Books and catalogues

  • offerta new


    10 publications produced on the occasion of previous editions of the Biennial

    (LACE AND DESIGN – 2015, LACE AND DESIGN – 2013, LACE AND DESIGN – 2011, LEADING LACE: threads rich in history – 2009, LACE AND DEVOTION in the Cantù area in the 20th century – 2007, LACE AND FURNITURE: home furnishing from the 19th-20th centuries – 2005, LACE AND FASHION: lace and clothing from the 18th – 20th centuries – 2003, TABLES IN LACE: the precious art of lace in table dressing and home furnishing – 2001, THREADS AND WORDS. Bobbin lace: tradition and innovation – 1999, BETWEEN DEVOTION AND HANDICRAFT: lace in the liturgical decoration of Cantù’s Parish Church – 1997).
    Texts in Italian and English (Lace and Design 2015, Lace and Design 2013, Lace and Design 2011, Leading Lace) or Italian only (Lace and Devotion, Lace and Furniture, Lace and Fashion, Tables in Lace, Threads and Words, Between Devotion and Handicraft).
    Euro 180.00 – shipping costs for Italy included (for shipments abroad price may vary depending on shipping costs).


  • microcoscmofemminile


    Volume’s price: € 10.00 (for Italy only. For shipments abroad, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
    from 13th International Lace Biennial 2017.


  • cover2017

    LACE & DESIGN (2017)

    Volume’s price: € 22.00 – Shipping costs: € 10.00 (for Italy only. For shipments abroad, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
    Book now your copy of “Lace and Design 2017” by Renata Casartelli and Marialuisa Rizzini, Lace Promotion Committee, Cantù 2017 (texts in Italian and English). The volume will be published for the inauguration of the 13th International Lace Biennial in September 2017.


  • cover2015

    LACE & DESIGN (2015)

    Volume’s price: € 22.00 – Shipping costs: € 10.00 (for Italy only. For shipments abroad, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
    “Lace and Design 2015” by Renata Casartelli and Marialuisa Rizzini, Lace Promotion Committee, Cantù 2015 (texts in Italian and English). The volume was published for the inauguration of the 12th International Lace Biennial in 2015 and contains descriptions of the various sections of the exhibition as well as more in-depth analyses on the theme of the table and on Lace and Design 2015.


  • cover2013

    LACE & DESIGN (2013)

    Volume’s price: € 20.00 – Shipping costs: € 10.00 (for Italy only. For shipments abroad, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
    “Lace and Design 2013” by Renata Casartelli and Marialuisa Rizzini, Lace Promotion Committee, Cantù 2013 (texts in Italian and English). The volume was published for the inauguration of the 11th International Lace Biennial in 2013 and contains descriptions of the various sections of the exhibition as well as more in-depth analyses on the historical theme “Handkerchiefs” and on Lace and Design 2013.


  • cover2011

    MERLETTI & DESIGN (2011)

    Volume’s price: € 20.00 – Shipping costs: € 10.00 (for Italy only. For shipments abroad, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
    “Lace and Design 2011” by Renata Casartelli, Marialuisa Rizzini and Annamaria Isacco, Lace Promotion Committee, Cantù 2011 (texts in Italian and English). The volume was published for the inauguration of the 10th International Lace Biennial in 2011. It contains descriptions of the various sections of the exhibition and of works created by lace schools in the Cantù area, as well as a more in-depth analysis on lace designed by Alessandro Mendini.


  • IX

    LEADING LACE: threads rich in history

    Volume’s price: € 25.00 – Shipping costs: € 10.00 (for Italy only. For shipments abroad, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
    Volume published on the occasion of the 9th International Lace Biennial - 2009. Texts in Italian and English.

  • VIII

    LACE AND DEVOTION: in the Cantù area in the 20th century

    Volume’s price: € 20.00 – Shipping costs: € 10.00 (for Italy only. For shipments abroad, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
    Volume published on the occasion of the 8th International Lace Biennial – 2007. Texts in Italian.

  • VII

    LACE AND FURNITURE in home furnishing from 19th-20th century

    Volume’s price: € 25.00 – Shipping costs: € 10.00 (for Italy only. For shipments abroad, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
    Volume published on the occasion of the 7th International Lace Biennial – 2005. Texts in Italian.

  • VI

    LACE AND FASHION. Lace and clothing from 18th – 20th century

    Volume’s price: € 25.00 – Shipping costs: € 10.00 (for Italy only. For shipments abroad, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
    Volume published on the occasion of the 6th International Lace Biennial – 2003. Texts in Italian.

  • V

    TABLES IN LACE. The precious art of lace in table dressing and home furnishing

    Volume’s price: € 20.00 – Shipping costs: € 10.00 (for Italy only. For shipments abroad, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
    Volume published on the occasion of the 5th International Lace Biennial – 2001. Texts in Italian.


  • IV

    THREADS AND WORDS. Bobbin lace: tradition and innovation

    Volume’s price: € 20.00 – Shipping costs: € 10.00 (for Italy only. For shipments abroad, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
    Volume published on the occasion of the 4th International Lace Biennial – 1999. Texts in Italian.

  • III

    BETWEEN DEVOTION AND HANDICRAFT. Lace in the liturgical decoration of Cantù Parish Church

    Volume’s price: € 20.00 – Shipping costs: € 10.00 (for Italy only. For shipments abroad, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
    Volume published on the occasion of the 3rd International Lace Biennial – 1997. Texts in Italian.

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